Galerie Springer — Edward Burtynsky : African Studies

By Noémie de Bellaigue
The Eye of Photography

The Berlin gallery presents a selection from series by the Canadian photographer produced on the African continent. Aerial views of breathtaking pictorial power which bear witness to the effects of industrial expansion on African landscapes while celebrating those still preserved from human exploitation.

How can we measure the impact of human activity on our planet, other than through data? How can we represent the damage caused by industrial activity, other than through images of devastation? How can we talk about Africa today other than through poverty?

For seven years, from 2015 to 2020, Edward Burtynsky explored ten African countries from the air – the aerial point of view being, according to him, the most powerful scale to reveal the immensity of his subject.

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Milan : Edward Burtynsky, Agua Shock

By Enrica Vigano
The Eye of Photography

L’exposition Acqua Shock explore la relation controversée entre l’humanité et l’eau : liquide le plus précieux, ressource essentielle pour la vie, une partie essentielle de notre corps et de la planète.

Entre 2009 et 2014, Edward Burtynsky a voyagé sur cinq continents – depuis le Golfe du Mexique jusqu’aux rives du Gange – pour capter le cycle de vie de l’eau. Il a suivi le cours des rivières et a étudié les mers ; il a décrit les différents usages de l’eau, du culte jusqu’à l’agriculture et une fois de plus, comme à son habitude, il a scruté ce qui se passe sous la surface des choses.

Read the article here.

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